How many times a week should I walk my Labrador
Labrador Puppy Exercise: With Puppy Walking Chart By Age
How much exercise I give my puppies each day depends on a few factors. These include how much training Ive done that day, whether they have tired themselves out playing, and of course their developmental stage. But there are some good rules of thumb you as a new puppy parent can use, and Ill share those with you today.
Puppy exercise requirements vary between different types of dog, and as a puppy grows the exercise they need will increase. It is possible to give a puppy too much exercise so I will give you a puppy exercise chart, as a guide to how far a puppy can walk at different ages.
Taking your new puppy for a walk
We all look forward to the day we can take our new puppy for a walk.
For many people, daily dog walks is a huge part of why they bought a Labrador in the first place. And it is natural to want to get started with walking your new puppy just as soon as his vaccinations are finished
Some new puppy owners are aware that they should not over-exercise their puppy. But are not at all sure what over-exercise looks like.
Others already take quite small puppies for quite long walks and are surprised to discover that many experts believe this to be a bad thing.
So just how much exercise does a puppy really need? Well start by looking at what breeders frequently recommend.
How much exercise does a puppy need?
Many dog breeders suggest the five minute rule.
This rule of thumb says that a puppy should have no more than five minutes of walking for every month of his age.
So that would be fifteen minutes a day maximum for a three month old puppy, twenty minutes for a four month old and so on.
Puppies under three months old do not need any kind of walks at all, and most wont be walked in any case because they will not have completed their course of vaccinations
How does over-exercising harm puppies?
This concern about excessive exercise has arisen because it is widely believed that exercise is a factor in the development of serious joint disorders.
Especially in larger breed puppies such as Labradors
Breeders are particularly concerned about hip dysplasia, a serious and complex disorder of the hip joints, that is believed to be influenced both by inherited factors passed from dogs to their puppies and by environmental factors
In addition to factors influencing growth rates, the stresses and strains placed on the vulnerable growing joint by excessive exercise are believed to be a contributory environmental factor in the development of inadequate hip joints.
And while we dont know for sure.
It seems likely, that a puppy that had inherited a tendency for poor hips, could have its soft and still forming hip joints made a good deal worse through prolonged or hard exercise.
It is also possible that a puppy that has inherited excellent hips, will come to no harm whatsoever through hard exercise.
The five minute ruleis really a safety precaution, and it makes sense to pay attention to this advice simply because we believe that playing it safe will not harm your puppy.
Different types of Labrador puppy exercise
But that doesnt mean puppies under three months shouldnt be exercised. On the contrary, a certain amount of free running exercise is a good thing
Running off-leash
A Norwegian study published 2012 and which included labradors, showed that puppies given the opportunity to exercise off leash in a park before the age of three months were less likely to develop hip dysplasia (HD), not more.
We dont know how long these puppies were allowed to exercise for, but no time limit is mentioned.
Stair climbing
The same study showed that puppies that had to climb stairs on a regular basis during the same period were at increased risk of HD.
So what does this study tell us?
Well,it is only one study, but it suggests thatplaying in a natural way, with other pups or simply running about at their own speed is probably going to benefit a small puppy
Strenuous exercise
Whereas more strenuous activity such as climbing hills and stairs, may not be such a good thing at a very young age.
Another study has suggested that running hard for a retrieve,may not be great for joint health either.
And some breeders also prevent dogs from jumping for the first twelve months to reduce impact on the shoulder and elbow joints.
This may be especially important for some of the heavier breeds of dog, and those that are slow to mature.
How far should my puppy walk?
Okay, so that is the standard advice that breeders give out. But how does that translate to distances walked?
If you like to think in distances rather than time, a mile is around 2000 steps for an adult human and takes about twenty minutes at a moderate walking speed.
So a maximum walk for a four month old Labrador might be about a mile.
And of course if you are walking out and back again, that means not taking the dog more than half a mile from your home or car, whichever is your starting point.
With young puppies, you need to keep a balance. Think about the overall energy your puppy is expending rather than focusing on walking alone.
Walking is only one form of exercise and is no more valuable or important than games or training exercises.
If you have been to visit a friend with your five month old pup and their dog has played for half an hour in the garden with yours, your dog does not need a walkas well.It is the total exercise that counts.
How much exercise is too much?
Obviously, the five minute rule isnt set in stone. And you are bound to know of someone whose puppy had far more exercise than this and came to no harm.
However taking a puppy for long walks or asking him to negotiate very steep or uneven surfaces when he is little, is probably a bad idea.
Beware of letting a puppy play for too long with an older dog that does not want to stop.
And keep an eye on children who may inadvertently exhaust a puppy by encouraging him to play when he needs to sleep.
Crating your puppy when he is tired or overexcited, will enable you to make sure that your puppy gets some well deserved down time.
You can find out how to crate train your puppy in our in-depth guide, and youll find recommended crates and crate sizes in our supplies section.
Young puppies need the time and space to run about freely, and free running exercise is beneficial.
You do not need to attempt to prevent puppies playing in the garden, trotting about the house or playing with another young puppy for a while. Provided that the puppy is free to stop and rest whenever he wants.
As far as we know at the moment, formal exercise walking on a lead for example, is probably best restricted using the five minute rule as an approximate guide.
And strenuous exercise such as stair climbing, and chasing balls should be limited or avoided altogether in puppies under three months of age.
Remember, an adult dog can become an amazing athlete, but like all athletes, fitness and stamina are best built up in gentle stages if injury is to be avoided.
Do talk to your vet about exercise at your first appointment with your puppy.We are still learning about hip dysplasia. Research is ongoing, knowledge increases all the time.
(paid link)Your vet should be up to date with the latest information regarding the optimum amount of exercise for your new puppy.
More information on puppies
For a complete guide to raising a healthy and happy puppy dont miss The Happy Puppy Handbook.
Published in April 2014, the Happy Puppy Handbook covers every aspect of life with a small puppy.
It will help you prepare your home for the new arrival, and get your puppy off to a great start with potty training, socialization and early obedience.
You can buy The Happy Puppy Handbook from Amazon by following this link(paid link). If you do, The Labrador Site will receive a small commission which is greatly appreciated and wont affect the cost to you!
- Slater et al. Diet and exercise as potential risk factors for osteochondritis dissecans in dogs. Am J Vet Res. 1992.
- Sallander et al. Diet, Exercise, and Weight as Risk Factors in Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Arthrosis in Labrador Retrievers 1,2. 2006. American Society for Nutrition.
- Krontveit et al. Risk factors for hip-related clinical signs in a prospective cohort study of four large dog breeds in Norway. 2011.
The Labrador Site Founder
Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall.
She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program
Pippa's online training courses were launched in 2019 and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website
Labrador Exercise: How To Keep Your Dog Fit
Labrador exercise is a vital part of their daily care. Dog walks and visits to the park are beneficial, but there are lots of ways to keep your dog fit. Fetch, agility, tracking, hunting, swimming and even obedience training will burn calories, raise their metabolic rate, encourage cardiovascular health and maintain high energy output levels. And a good Labrador exercise routine will help you to stay on the right path for full fitness.
You should exercise your Labrador for at least an hour a day. Sprinting sessions can be shorter, but if its just a hike youre going on then dont scrimp on that time. It isnt the exact quantity of exercise your dog gets on any given day that counts, but how much he gets on a daily average over time. Not only that, but there are some dogs that will actually benefit from less walking, or from different types of Labrador exercise. And there some that dont need much formal exercise at all.
Why Labradors Need Exercise
Just like us, Labradors have a cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) that becomes more efficient and healthy, the more it is used.
Exercise literally helps your dog to grow more blood vessels and more effectively oxygenate his body.
Exercising helps build muscle and strengthen your dogs bones. It protects him against injury and it increases his potential lifespan.
To a certain extent, Labrador exercise may also help with weight control. Although, like us, dogs are very efficient converters of energy. This means that reducing food quantities will be a more significant factor in keeping your dog slim.
The Benefits And Limitations Of Walking
Walking is good steady Labrador exercise. It doesnt put too much strain on your dogs joints. And if he is off leash and trotting at his own speed, it gets his heart and lungs working moderately.
If you like to jog or run, so much the better, provided that you build up distances and speeds gradually. Running will keep up sufficient pace for your dog to get a workout too.
If however, you have to walk your dog on leash, at your walking pace, he isnt getting much of a workout.
So youll also need to put aside some time to get his heart pounding by raising the pace with some games or activities.
Labrador Exercise Methods
People often associate exercising the dog with going for walks.
It is however entirely possible to exercise your dog effectively without ever taking him for a walk in the traditional sense.
Retriever Training for Labrador Exercise
Most of my own dogs get the vast majority of their exercise through retriever training. They are working gun dogs and burn up masses of energy completing the varied and complex retrieves I set up for them.
You dont have to be involved in shooting or hunting to get involved in retriever training. You can teach your dog to retrieve, no matter where you live or what your interests are.
The importance of fetch
Do teach your dog to retrieve. He is not called the Labrador Retriever for nothing. Retrieving is the perfect exercise for your Lab and one of the most helpful things you can do for any Labrador is teach him to fetch a ball or a retrieving dummy.
Retrieving is also one of the most effective ways to exercise any dog under control. It is especially important to do this, if you are not a keen walker or jogger, as it means you will still be able to give your dog exercise every day.
Dog Games And Toys
You can also exercise your dog very effectively in quite a small yard or garden with games. Try playing tug, or games with a flirt pole with a toy on the end.
Variations on fetch, or chasing games, using toys, balls, and frisbees are also great exercise for dogs.
Play Between Dogs Is Exercise
Two young dogs playing together for half an hour will give themselves a great workout. Not all adult dogs enjoy playing but many do.
My two Labradors are three and eight years old, and play together for at least half an hour most days.
If you have a friend with a dog that your dog will play with, do take the opportunity to get together when you can.
Your dog will benefit from the companionship of playing as well as the strength building and cardiovascular effects of play.
Recall Games For Dogs
Recall games are another great way to exercise your dog if you have a helper. Youll both need a whistle and some treats.
Stand quite close to one another and call the dog back and forward between you.
Each time the dog sets off towards your partner, back away a few steps so that the distance between you is continually increasing. Get him or her to do the same.
Give the dog a treat every time to begin with and then intermittently once he gets into the game. If he has a favourite toy that he likes to run around with, you can also reward him with that.
Sprinting As Labrador Exercise
Recall and retrieving involve sprinting. Just as with any other sprinting exercise, build up distances and time spent sprinting, gradually.
Dogs really do benefit from sprinting, just as we do. It gets their hearts pumping and builds strength too.
Other Ways To Exercise Your Dog
So you see, if you hate walking, and dont want to do it too often, or for too long, there are plenty of alternatives.
Fortunately, most of us enjoy a walk and the anticipation of shared walks is often the motivation for people to bring a dog into their lives.
If going for walks is your thing that is just great.
Your dog will love accompanying you and will benefit from the company, the exercise and the mental stimulation of visiting new and interesting places.
How Many Walks Does My Dog Need?
If walking is your dogs only access to exercise, if he has no other dogs to play with and you dont engage him in any other activities, then a twice daily walk, with at least some of that time off leash, will keep him reasonably healthy.
Even if it doesnt get him very fit in an athletic sense.
If you can only currently walk your dog once a day, then he will need some other activity at home too!
It is important to recognise that just because you have a large garden doesnt mean your dog wont need your company to get some exercise.
Dogs left outside in the yard on their own, dont embark on an exercise programme, or expend much energy running around. A bit like people really!
Labrador Exercise By Distance
People often ask how far should I walk my Labrador? or how long should my walks be?. These are difficult questions to answer. It depends a lot on what you are doing during those walks and on how active your dog is.
If he just walks alongside you, then you need to walk for a good hour and a half a day. Not necessarily all in one go. A brisk one hour walk takes most of us about three miles.
If you are punctuating your walks with lots of retrieves or some games or a swim, your dog wont need to walk as far.
Think of it like this.
Your dog needs cardiovascular exercise just like you. Twenty minutes of hard exercise, where your dog gets out of breath and is running or swimming for much of the time, three or four times a week, will keep him fit.
Add another hour of gentler dog exercise each day and your Labrador will probably be a healthy, (and lucky) dog.
Of course walking is for both of you, and youll want to see the health benefits too.
Getting Fit Together How A Pedometer Can Help
As a writer, I spend far too much time sitting on my backside. It is very easy for me to slide into bad habits when it comes to exercise.
So for several years now I have used a walking pedometer. To count how many steps I walk/run each day. And to make sure I dont slip into couch potato territory.
If you invest in a good pedometer you can keep a record of your steps. As a rough guide, three miles is about six thousand steps.
Many people find using a pedometer very motivating. I check mine at intervals, and if I havent walked a decent amount by the end of the working day, that is my cue for another jaunt in the evening.
Choosing a Pedometer
You can buy some very fancy pedometers now. But all you really need is a reliable step counter. If you are aiming for ten thousand steps a day, as many experts recommend, thats okay for your dog too. As long as he or she is an adult Labrador in good health.
Provided you dont walk in high temperatures or on very hard surfaces for long periods of time, hell be fine.
Getting Your Labrador Fit For Work Or Sports
If you intend to run long distance with your dog, or to work him on a shoot, or take him on hunting expeditions, you must get him fit first.
You should not just tip him in at the beginning of the shooting season, after a summer of sleeping on the lawn. He will simply injure himself the first time he jumps a wall or runs more than a hundred yards.
Remember that on a days shooting or hunting a dog may run twenty miles or more. Far more than his human companions are walking.
Preparing In Advance
Labradors are naturally fit and this wont hurt your dog if you prepare him for it.
But a working retriever needs to be sprinting fit, not just walking fit. And that means building up retrieve distances gradually and adding in more challenging terrain gradually too.
A dog in this kind of training, probably wont need walking at all, his training sessions will be sufficient.
Dog Exercise As A Form Of Behavioral Control
It is quite common to meet experts who tell you to exercise your dog to the point of exhaustion in order to wear him out so that you can get more control over him.
Before you dust down your roller blades, my personal view is that this is a very flawed strategy.
Unless you are a serious athlete it is unlikely that there is any level of exercise you can take your dog to, that will render him exhausted for very long.
Usually, the only outcome of intensively exercising a very naughty dog is an even fitter naughty dog.
Well look a bit more at control issues in a moment. But you may be interested to know that dogs dont need to be exhausted or even tired to be trainable.
On the contrary, I train all my dogs fresh not after exercise. That way I get all their speed and enthusiasm poured into what I want them to do.
A trainable dog does not have to be a slow dog, he just needs to be well motivated.
The Five Minute Rule Of Puppy Exercise
This would mean no more than 35 minutes of walking a day for a seven month old dog.
It is only fair to point out that this is just a guideline, and that it is quite an arbitrary one.
Its not based on any kind of specific research or evidence, and was devised to help guide owners of small puppies rather than people with strapping ten month old dogs.
So a modicum of common sense needs to be applied.
Exercising Sick And Injured Dogs
Puppies are not the only dogs that may not benefit from long walks. Sick and injured dogs are often better off devoting their resources and energy to rest and recovery.
Often a dog will let you know when he is ready to get out and about again, but in some cases exercise will cause more harm than good.
You need to talk with your vet about your own dogs exercise needs if he isnt well, as every case is different.
Dogs In Pain
Labradors can be prone to painful joint conditions, especially as they age. There are some kinds of joint pain that respond well to exercise, once the stiffness wears off.
But exercise can, in other cases, make things much worse.
Again, it is really important to talk with your vet about walks if your dog finds them uncomfortable and is not keen to go with you. Sometimes, non weight bearing exercise, such as hydrotherapy, is more appropriate.
Pain medication can often help an arthritic dog recover his enjoyment of a daily walk.
The Aging Dog
In old age as well as in poor health some dogs may need a few minutes gentle lead walking a few times a day rather than the whole lot in one lump.
A very old dog may get to the point where he doesnt want to go for a walk. It isnt necessarily a good thing to force him to.
Have a chat with your veterinarian if you are not sure what your older dogs exercise needs are.
Dogs That Have Started Chasing Wildlife
Labradors that have experienced the thrill of chasing deer, rabbits, or livestock such as sheep are at risk. They will often need a much more controlled programme of dog exercise in order to keep them fit and healthy while making sure they dont get themselves into trouble.
If your dog has started chasing wildlife, dont bury your head and hope that he will grow out of it. He wont.
The problem will get worse. You need to start interacting with your dog out on walks, to get him more focused on you, and keep him closer to you.You may also need to put him on a line and harness while you do some recall retraining. In the meantime, he will benefit from the range of alternative forms of exercise listed above.
How Much Exercise Does My Dog Need?
Walking is a wonderful daily ritual for many dogs and brings great pleasure and health benefits, but as we have seen it is not the only way to exercise a dog.
Dogs benefit from a range of different activities, that use different muscle groups and make their bodies work in different ways.
Try to make sure your dog has twenty minutes of aerobic (heart pumping, fast running) exercise most days.
And another hour of walking or an alternative exercise for dogs on top of that.
Variety is good, so if you spend an hour pounding the pavements one day, try playing games together in the backyard the next day.
(paid link)If you dont much like walking, mix it up! Your dog will be just as healthy as if he has a regular daily walk.
Adapt Your Dogs Exercise As His Needs Change
Each Labrador is unique and his exercise requirements will change as he matures and ages.
Puppies need little structured exercise while mature Labs have a huge capacity for fitness and endurance.
Build your dog up gradually for work or competitions and dont be afraid to let him rest for a few days if he is poorly, or stiff from over exercise.
And its okay to adapt your dogs exercise as your own needs change too.
It is OK to rest your dog
A daily walk is great but does not need to be slavishly adhered to provided that the dog is getting a good amount of exercise and stimulation over the week as a whole.
If you are worried that your dog will quickly begin to physically decline if he doesnt head for the hills each morning, think of all the dogs that have to have crate rest for weeks or even months after surgery or injury, and come to no harm from it.
It is OK to rest your dog for a day or two.
If you are not well, or are unable to go out, or if your dog is not well, it is ok to skip his walk.
The Labrador Site Founder
Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall.
She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program
Pippa's online training courses were launched in 2019 and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website